Friday, July 31, 2009

Massachusetts Film Website

After reading about, I decided to check out the website. To my liking, there is multiple hidden aspects of the industry on display. Such aspects are the Massachusetts cap for films, what Hollywood is actually spending its money on, and a list of all the movies made in our beloved state. This is a site I am adding to my favorites, and will revisit on a constant basis. I really enjoy hearing about new elements and websites I can check out regarding my major, future, and what I love. I especially enjoy this when its free, as the website currently is. Its amazing to me to be able to click on crew members, and a list of every type of professional position is listed, with real people looking to be hired. Anyone could literally get a permit to film on the website, and then hire anyone they'd like, and most of them live in the area! Amazing website, thanks to COMM229 for presenting this to me.

1 comment:

  1. I really found this website interesting too. It is amazing just how mant aspects, and not to mention people, are involved in creating a movie. I liked the tool that showed you what movies were filmed/will be filmed in Massachusetts and where. I didn't know just how popular MA is becoming...
