Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Omega Man Vs. I Am Legend

After getting out of work tonight I watched The Omega Man from 1971 with Charleton Heston in the lead role. This was clearly an adaptation from the book I Am Legend, which had a newer movie version out with the same title. On IMDB I Am Legend has a better overall rating, and I have to agree with the website. The older version I heard was a lot closer to the book, which was violent and more aggressive than I Am Legend the movie was. Will Smith does an intence, great job acting in the lead role but so doesn't Heston. The overall acting is better in I Am Legend because the vampires don't talk and there's only 3 technical actors. In The Omega Man there is some up and down acting from the bad vampires, who talk throughout the film. I can see why the movie was re-made, as each are completely different from each other.

I was impressed with the older movie's cinematography, yet the newer one had better graphics and was scary/thrilling. Watching The Omega Man now, the scenes can be somewhat comical and not on the same level as Will Smith's version. For their respected times (over 2 decades apart) each was provocative and a decent adaptation of the amazing novel. I wish the movies could be combined. Will Smith's character needed to be more badass and both films should've been longer. The music for the older version sucked but the newer musical score was brilliant. If Will Smith went out at night and hunted the vampires like Heston's character did, I Am Legend would have been fantastic. Instead, he let his dog die and committed suicide by running at a vampire with a grenade conveniently placed in his top drawer. Overall, I Am Legend still wins in my opinion.


  1. I have not seen the original film that you are talking about, but I have read the book. I, as always, was disappointed with the movie. Will Smith was great, as per usual, but the movie jsut lacked something. That something being the fear, fighting and intensity of the situation that the book caputured. This surprises me because Hollywood seems to jump on the chance to include violence and special effects.

  2. I thought I am Legend was pretty good, I never read the graphic novel or book but I liked that the film had a lot more depth than expected. As much as I hate dogs dying in movies, I felt it was done right and futhered the story. Will Smith did an exceptional job acting, the scene at the film rental store broke my heart.
