Sunday, July 19, 2009

Transformers: Revenge of Mindless Movies

Although I did enjoy the movie Transformers, there was zero plot involved. Nothing really happened except Shia LeDouche fighting sky-scraper-sized robots in different parts of the world. Every scene had either sexual innuendo, half-naked Megan Fox (this part is OK), Shia's mother on crack, or machine's destroying each other and the environment around them. Great summer movie. If only more words were said, and maybe an unexpecting plot twist, I would rank this film high up there. My overall opinion of the film is that it's entertaining and has a great flow to it, but lacks story and character development. The constuctobot wasn't used as well as it should have been, but the robotic conversations were an interesting change from the first film. Seeing Megatron, the Fallen, and Starscream talk to each other was awesome in my opinion, and it really added a different angle for the future of the franchise. Overal: 7.0 out of 10.


  1. I read a really interesting article on racial coding in the film--haven't seen the film yet, but the article was really interesting. Kind of discouraging, actually. Post-race? Yeah right.

  2. I actually heard about that race issue in the movie as well before i saw it, so when I finally did see the movie I looked for it. I guess there is in some way but it's made to be more of comedy than making fun of someone. By the way Shia LeDouche?!How can you hate on Shia...Louis Stevens is a Disney legend lol.

  3. I think Shia LeBeouf is an amazing actor who is highly gifted at performing. This fact cannot be denied, I mean Steven Speilberg himself sought out Shia for his role as Mutt in Indiana Jones( which I think speaks for itself). As for the sequel to Transformers, I did find that it lacked character development. I definately enjoyed the first movie more because I felt like we got a good sense of the characters just from the way they were presented in the beginning. For example, Shia (Sam) was shown in the previous film as more of an outcast but in this film both Shia and Megan Fox's characters were not examined very closely. Instead, there was more humor and special effects which are cool but not nearly as interesting.
