Friday, August 7, 2009

The End of Comm 229

The End of Comm229..

I started this blogging site solely for the purpose of my Communications 229 course. After blogging multiple times on my own site and commenting on tons of others, I really enjoy the process. I will continue to blog after the class is over. Its a great idea for many reasons. Maybe I won't blog as much, but I will continue to put thoughts down on my website.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Part of Chapter 15 in The Media Student's Book that interested me was the closer look at US cultural power on page 490. It explains specifically how "North America is a continent of immigrants", and how "Hollywood cinema is an example of the hybridising as well as the homogenising drives within the growing dominance of US forms." The section soon goes into the textual strategies they use, that are true and I never thought about before. In Europe the movies are titled differently for the audience. They edit the films to appeal to the respected audience but I'm not sure if I agree with this procedure. To me a film is what it is. They shouldn't be fake to become 'popular' in my opinion, rather be direct and bold. I understand British films in Britain from British directors having British actors, accents, and settings. Anything edited to cushion an audience is only a ploy to attain a little extra money but takes away legitimacy. I'd rather use the "cultural vagueness" and be open to a large audience than switch scenes for them.

Monday, August 3, 2009

First Reality Show

In The Media Student's Book, for chapter thirteen it explains documentary and reality tv. One section I found interesting was the beginning of dramatic reality shows. In 1992, MTV's Real World was released, "Based off documentaries such as American Family". (Page 471) The page later explains that the success of the European Big Brother and then Survivor made the format a dominant one on television.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Omega Man Vs. I Am Legend

After getting out of work tonight I watched The Omega Man from 1971 with Charleton Heston in the lead role. This was clearly an adaptation from the book I Am Legend, which had a newer movie version out with the same title. On IMDB I Am Legend has a better overall rating, and I have to agree with the website. The older version I heard was a lot closer to the book, which was violent and more aggressive than I Am Legend the movie was. Will Smith does an intence, great job acting in the lead role but so doesn't Heston. The overall acting is better in I Am Legend because the vampires don't talk and there's only 3 technical actors. In The Omega Man there is some up and down acting from the bad vampires, who talk throughout the film. I can see why the movie was re-made, as each are completely different from each other.

I was impressed with the older movie's cinematography, yet the newer one had better graphics and was scary/thrilling. Watching The Omega Man now, the scenes can be somewhat comical and not on the same level as Will Smith's version. For their respected times (over 2 decades apart) each was provocative and a decent adaptation of the amazing novel. I wish the movies could be combined. Will Smith's character needed to be more badass and both films should've been longer. The music for the older version sucked but the newer musical score was brilliant. If Will Smith went out at night and hunted the vampires like Heston's character did, I Am Legend would have been fantastic. Instead, he let his dog die and committed suicide by running at a vampire with a grenade conveniently placed in his top drawer. Overall, I Am Legend still wins in my opinion.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Massachusetts Film Website

After reading about, I decided to check out the website. To my liking, there is multiple hidden aspects of the industry on display. Such aspects are the Massachusetts cap for films, what Hollywood is actually spending its money on, and a list of all the movies made in our beloved state. This is a site I am adding to my favorites, and will revisit on a constant basis. I really enjoy hearing about new elements and websites I can check out regarding my major, future, and what I love. I especially enjoy this when its free, as the website currently is. Its amazing to me to be able to click on crew members, and a list of every type of professional position is listed, with real people looking to be hired. Anyone could literally get a permit to film on the website, and then hire anyone they'd like, and most of them live in the area! Amazing website, thanks to COMM229 for presenting this to me.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Movies That Are Better Than Their Books

The Godfather to start, because there's no question on this one. Second, I'd say its a close tie between American Pyscho, one of the most underrated films of all time, and Fight Club. Both are superb, must-see movies, and much better than their books. American Pyscho mentally dances in circles around the novel its based on. Die Hard was based on a book called Nothing Lasts Forever, which I read growing up. Die Hard is different in tons of ways, but almost every change was necessary and had a positive outcome. No Country For Old Men, once again, great book but even better cinematography and the acting is amazing.

I personally believe, however some may argue, that all three Lord of the Rings movies were better than their novels. I read the first two and skimmed through book three, but the movies gave me a closer connection to the material and characters. Silence of the Lambs? The book could not compare to Anthony Hopkin's appearance or voice, but the overall experience was very close and hard to compare. The Jaws book was unreadable in my opinion, just something about it was too boring for me. So, the film was clearly better. In addition, The Shawshank Redemption is considered the best movie of all time on, but I haven't read the book to compare. The last book I can remember reading that was also a better movie is Jurassic Park. Much better character versions and the musical score/computer graphics at the time were uncomparable.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Researching Topics

As a fellow Communications Major, I've had to research thousands of different topics and material in my day. The internet is an open forum, with most of its contents free and easy to find/use. I believe most educational surroundings will involve the use of computers in the near future, as its already starting to shift gears currently. Online research is far more effective and rewarding that spending an entire day at the library. Chapter 10 in the Media Student's Book explains the importance of research. I would not be aware of half the information I know of without the use of online research. To this day, I will turn the computer on just to search about one question I have without hesitation. Its easy, free, and one of the best ways to stimulate the mind.